Results for 'J. Richard Walsh'

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  1.  24
    Ethics, Money and Sport: This Sporting Mammon.Adrian J. Walsh & Richard Giulianotti - 2006 - Routledge.
    Combining sociological evidence with the analytical tools of philosophy, Ethics, Money and Sport articulates and explores the main concerns about the way money has changed our experience of sports. Clearly written and illustrated by examples from major sports around the world, Ethics, Money and Sport enables students, researchers and policymakers - as well as anyone with an interest in the future of sport - to engage with this crucial debate.
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    This Sporting Mammon: A Normative Critique of the Commodification of Sport.Adrian J. Walsh & Richard Giulianotti - 2001 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 28 (1):53-77.
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]V. R. Cardozier, Richard la Brecque, Rebecca G. Eller, Doris Walker Weathers, John Walsh, Michael J. Parsons, Richard D. Hansgen, Michael Mumper, Thomas A. Brindley & R. U. D. Anthony G. - 1989 - Educational Studies 20 (4):365-408.
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    The Oxford Handbook of Political Theory.Mary Walsh - 2008 - Contemporary Political Theory 7 (2):232-234.
    Long recognized as one of the main branches of political science, political theory has in recent years burgeoned in many different directions. Close textual analysis of historical texts sits alongside more analytical work on the nature and normative grounds of political values. Continental and post-modern influences jostle with ones from economics, history, sociology, and the law. Feminist concerns with embodiment make us look at old problems in new ways, and challenges of new technologies open whole new vistas for political theory. (...)
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    Friendship and Politics: Essays in Political Thought.John von Heyking & Richard Avramenko (eds.) - 2008 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    Throughout the history of Western political philosophy, the idea of friendship has occupied a central place in the conversation. It is only in the context of the modern era that friendship has lost its prominence. By retrieving the concept of friendship for philosophical investigation, these essays invite readers to consider how our political principles become manifest in our private lives. They provide a timely corrective to contemporary confusion plaguing this central experience of our public and our private life. This volume (...)
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  6. Luck egalitarianism–A primer.Richard J. Arneson - 2011 - In Carl Knight & Zofia Stemplowska (eds.), Responsibility and distributive justice. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 24--50.
    This essay surveys varieties of the luck egalitarian project in an exploratory spirit, seeking to identify lines of thought that are worth developing further and that might ultimately prove morally acceptable. I do not attend directly to the critics and assess their concerns; I have done that in other essays. 7 I do seek to identify some large fault lines, divisions in ways of approaching the task of constructing a theory of justice or of conceiving its substance. These are controversial (...)
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  7. Anscombe on expression of intention : an exegesis.Richard Moran & Martin J. Stone - 2011 - In Anton Ford, Jennifer Hornsby & Frederick Stoutland (eds.), Essays on Anscombe's Intention. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
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  8. Human Flourishing Versus Desire Satisfaction.Richard J. Arneson - 1999 - Social Philosophy and Policy 16 (1):113-142.
    What is the good for human persons? If I am trying to lead the best possible life I could lead, not the morally best life, but the life that is best for me, what exactly am I seeking?This phrasing of the question I will be pursuing may sound tendentious, so some explanation is needed. What is good for one person, we ordinarily suppose, can conflict with what is good for other persons and with what is required by morality. A prudent (...)
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    Sellars' Vision of Man-in-the-Universe, II.Richard J. Bernstein - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (2):290 - 316.
    In the conclusion of the last section, we suggested that it is illuminating to compare Sellars' philosophy with that of Kant. This can clearly be seen with reference to his attack on the "myth of the given," his positive analysis of concepts, and his classification of the manifest image as phenomenal. But the analogy with Kant is also helpful in clarifying two further notions that are essential for completing the sketch of Sellars' system: persons and reality. Although Sellars has written (...)
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  10. Hannah Arendt and the Jewish Question.Richard J. Bernstein - 1996 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 34 (1):323-326.
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    Halting Proliferation of Long-Range Ballistic Missiles.J. Richard Shanebrook - 2003 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 23 (3):180-184.
    This article presents a plan of action to begin the process of halting proliferation of long-range ballistic missiles. These missiles are deemed particularly dangerous due to their ability to deliver weapons of mass destruction (nuclear, biological, and chemical warheads) over intercontinental distances. Two treaties are proposed to help control the proliferation of these missiles. They are a Ballistic Missile Non-Proliferation Treaty and a Test Ban Treaty for Long-Range Ballistic Missiles. Provision is made for peaceful launches of satellites and space missions.
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  12. The Christian Faith and Secularism.J. Richard Spann - 1948
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  13. Processing: A Biocognitive Perspective.Richard J. Davidson - 1980 - In J. M. Davidson & Richard J. Davidson (eds.), The Psychobiology of Consciousness. Plenum. pp. 11.
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  14.  35
    Auditory S-R compatibility: Reaction time as a function of ear-hand correspondence and ear-response-location correspondence.J. Richard Simon, James V. Hinrichs & John L. Craft - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 86 (1):97.
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    Die Axiomatischen Grundlagen Einer Allgemeinen Theorie des Messens. J. Pfanzagl.J. Richard Büchi - 1960 - Philosophy of Science 27 (2):224-226.
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    Effect of ear stimulated on reaction time and movement time.J. Richard Simon - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 78 (2p1):344.
  17.  5
    Halting Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons: Initiatives To Stop Vertical and Horizontal Proliferation.J. Richard Shanebrook - 1993 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 13 (4):196-199.
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  18. Does he pull it off? A theistic grounding of natural inherent human rights?Richard J. Bernstein - 2009 - Journal of Religious Ethics 37 (2):221-241.
    This paper focuses on two key issues in Nicholas Wolterstorff's Justice: Rights and Wrongs . It argues that Wolterstorff's theistic grounding of inherent rights is not successful. It also argues that Wolterstorff does not provide adequate criteria for determining what exactly these natural inherent rights are or criteria that can help us to evaluate competing and contradictory claims about these rights. However, most of Wolterstorff's book is not concerned with the theistic grounding of inherent rights. Instead, it is devoted to (...)
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  19.  24
    Attitudes and the use of evaluative language: A two-way process.J. Richard Eiser - 1975 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 5 (2):235–248.
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  20. Emergence for Nihilists.Richard L. J. Caves - 2018 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 99 (1):2-28.
    I defend mereological nihilism, the view that there are no composite objects, against a challenge from ontological emergence, the view that some things have properties that are ‘something over and above’ the properties of their parts. As the nihilist does not believe in composite wholes, there is nothing in the nihilist's ontology to instantiate emergent properties – or so the challenge goes. However, I argue that some simples can collectively instantiate an emergent property, so the nihilist's ontology can in fact (...)
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  21.  6
    Living beyond the one and the many: silent-mind transcendence of all traditional and contemporary monism and dualism.J. Richard Wingerter - 2011 - Lanham, Maryland: Hamilton Books.
    Living out of silence, out of a fully functioning, lovingly attentive mind, and not just out of thought, out of a partially functioning mind, is requisite for depth or profundity in living or relating. A fully attentive, truly silent or meditative mind sees that there is real dualism of time and the timeless and that time and the timeless each has its own unique value. The timeless, or real silence, that which alone can make for depth in one's living and (...)
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  22.  24
    Violence: thinking without banisters.Richard J. Bernstein - 2013 - Cambridge, UK: Polity.
    We live in a time when we are overwhelmed with talk and images of violence. Whether on television, the internet, films or the video screen, we can’t escape representations of actual or fictional violence - another murder, another killing spree in a high school or movie theatre, another action movie filled with images of violence. Our age could well be called “The Age of Violence” because representations of real or imagined violence, sometimes fused together, are pervasive. But what do we (...)
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  23.  59
    State-strategies for games in Fσδ ∩ Gδσ.J. Richard Büchi - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (4):1171-1198.
  24.  39
    The dynamical hypothesis in social cognition.J. Richard Eiser - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (5):638-638.
    Research in attitudes and social cognition exemplifies van Gelder's distinction between the computational and dynamical approaches. The former emphasizes linear measurement and rational decision-making. The latter considers processes of associative memory and self-organization in attitude formation and social influence. The study of dynamical processes in social cognition has been facilitated by connectionist approaches to computation.
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  25. From Russia to USSR: A Narrative and Documentary History.J. Vaillant, J. Richards, C. Horgan, K. R. Richardson, J. Sindall-Uspensky & J. Valin - 1987 - Studies in Soviet Thought 34 (1):126-130.
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    The Vichy Syndrome: History and Memory in France Since 1944.Richard J. Golsan & Henry Rousso - 1993 - Substance 22 (2/3):370.
  27.  40
    Prehistoric artifact invention, value, and change.J. Richard Ambler - 1991 - World Futures 32 (4):227-242.
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  28. Cognitive Neuropsychology and the Philosophy of Mind.J. Richard Hanley - 1991 - In Raymond Tallis & Howard Robinson (eds.), The Pursuit of mind. Manchester: Carcanet. pp. 70.
  29. Habermas and Modernity.Richard J. Bernstein - 1986 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 176 (1):132-132.
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  30.  65
    Ethics in Medicine: Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Concerns.Stanley Joel Reiser, Mary B. Saltonstall Professor of Population Ethics Arthur J. Dyck, Arthur J. Dyck & William J. Curran - 1977 - Cambridge: Mass. : MIT Press.
    This book is a comprehensive and unique text and reference in medical ethics. By far the most inclusive set of primary documents and articles in the field ever published, it contains over 100 selections. Virtually all pieces appear in their entirety, and a significant number would be difficult to obtain elsewhere. The volume draws upon the literature of history, medicine, philosophical and religious ethics, economics, and sociology. A wide range of topics and issues are covered, such as law and medicine, (...)
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  31.  69
    The Collaborator: The Trial and Execution of Robert Brasillach.Richard J. Golsan & Alice Kaplan - 2000 - Substance 29 (3):142.
  32. Freedom and Desire.Richard J. Arneson - 1985 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 15 (3):425 - 448.
    Muddles can be instructive. The clarifying confusion to be examined in this paper is Isaiah Berlin's intelligent vacillation on the issue of whether or not the extent of a person's freedom depends on his desires. Is the amount of freedom an agent possesses determined solely by his objective circumstances or is it also partly a function of his subjective tastes and preferences? In clarifying this question I shall suggest that Berlin has trouble answering it because he almost perceives that interpersonal (...)
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  33.  19
    The Justification of Punishment.J. E. McTaggart, Jeremy Bentham, H. Rashdall, T. L. S. Sprigge, John Austin, John Rawls, Richard Brandt, Immanuel Kant, G. W. F. Hegel, F. H. Bradley, G. E. Moore, Herbert Morris, H. J. McCloskey, St Thomas Aquinas, K. G. Armstrong, A. C. Ewing, D. Daiches Raphael, H. L. A. Hart & J. D. Mabbott - 2015 - In Gertrude Ezorsky (ed.), Philosophical Perspectives on Punishment, Second Edition. State University of New York Press. pp. 35-181.
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  34.  24
    Reactions toward the apparent source of an auditory stimulus.J. Richard Simon, John L. Craft & A. M. Small - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 89 (1):203.
  35.  28
    Response interference in an information processing task: Sensory versus perceptual factors.J. Richard Simon, A. M. Small, Richard A. Ziglar & John L. Craft - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 85 (2):311.
  36.  12
    Attitudes, Chaos and the Connectionist Mind.J. Richard Eiser - 1994 - Cambridge: Blackwell.
    This book presents a broad-ranging and fascinating examination of attitudes: how we form them; how we organize them towards others; and whether they are inherently human or could also be developed by computers. Professor Eiser suggests there are fundamental objections to the idea of a computer having a sense of self or a set of attitutdes.
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    (1 other version)Model Theoretic Approaches to Definability.J. Richard Büchi & Kenneth J. Danhof - 1972 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 18 (4‐6):61-70.
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    (1 other version)The Basic Concepts of Mathematics. Karl Menger. Chicago: The Bookstore, Illinois Institute of Technology, 1957. Pp. 93.J. Richard Buchi - 1957 - Philosophy of Science 24 (4):366-366.
  39.  22
    “Fake it till You Make it”! Contaminating Rubber Hands (“Multisensory Stimulation Therapy”) to Treat Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.Baland Jalal, Richard J. McNally, Jason A. Elias, Sriramya Potluri & Vilayanur S. Ramachandran - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:476545.
    Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a deeply enigmatic psychiatric condition associated with immense suffering worldwide. Efficacious therapies for OCD, like exposure and response prevention (ERP) are sometimes poorly tolerated by patients. As many as 25 percent of patients refuse to initiate ERP mainly because they are too anxious to follow exposure procedures. Accordingly, we proposed a simple and tolerable (immersive yet indirect) low-cost technique for treating OCD that we call “multisensory stimulation therapy.” This method involves contaminating a rubber hand during the (...)
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  40. Is genetic engineering wrong, per se?J. A. Burgess & Adrian Walsh - 1998 - Journal of Value Inquiry 32 (3):393-406.
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  41.  29
    Ear Preference in a Simple Reaction-Time Task.J. Richard Simon - 1967 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 75 (1):49.
  42.  22
    Female sexual adaptability: a consequence of the absence of natural selection among females.J. Richard Udry - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (2):201-202.
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    How to alienate your natural allies and attract your enemies.J. Richard Udry - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (5):911-911.
    Rose erroneously believes that the sciences of human behavior are being swept with a wave of genetic determinism. Actually, sociologists and psychologists remain predominantly hostile to any genetic influence on behavior. They will love Rose. The few behavior geneticists and sociobiologists in these disciplines are marginalized and looking for a little respect. Rose impugns their motives and ridicules their science.
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    Risk factors differ according to same-sex and opposite-sex interest.J. Richard Udry & Kim Chantala - 2005 - Journal of Biosocial Science 37 (4):481-497.
    Are risk behaviours in adolescence differentiated according to same-sex vs opposite-sex interest? For all respondents a five-point scale of interest in each sex used information from both of the first two in-home waves of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health). Logistic regression predicted the probability of experiencing each risk behaviour from the same-sex and opposite-sex interest scores. Same-sex interests have more effect on emotional risk, and opposite-sex interests have more effect on substance use. Nevertheless, all risk variables (...)
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  45.  31
    On the Dependability and Feasibility of Layperson Ratings of Divergent Thinking.Richard W. Hass, Marisa Rivera & Paul J. Silvia - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  46.  11
    The complete extensions of the monadic second order theory of countable ordinals.J. Richard Büchi & Dirk Siefkes - 1983 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 29 (5):289-312.
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    “With friends like this...”: Three flaws in Chow's defense of significance testing.Richard J. Harris - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (2):202-203.
    Chow's book should be read only by those who already have a firm enough grasp of the logic of significance testing to separate the few valid, insightful points from the many incorrect statements and misrepresentations.
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  48.  18
    The sacramental universe.Richard J. Pendergast - 1965 - Heythrop Journal 6 (3):310–320.
  49.  27
    Mathematics and the languages of literary criticism.Richard J. Schoeck - 1968 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 26 (3):367-376.
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  50. The Liberating Image: The Imago Dei in Genesis 1.J. Richard Middleton - unknown
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